
MaryNowhere else in the world will you find a greater variety and volume of sportfish than in Bristol Bay, Alaska. Called the “Salmon factory of the world,” Bristol Bay offers five species of Salmon: King, Sockeye, Chum, Pink and Silver and 7 species of fresh water fish: Rainbow Trout, Arctic Grayling, Arctic Char, Dolly Varden, Lake Trout and  Northern Pike.

We fish the entire western half of Bristol Bay which includes the Nushagak, Wood River, Tikchik Lake, Togiak River drainages and some Iliamna waters. The waters we fish vary in size from very large rivers to tiny streams and everything in between.

We also fish the lake and the interconnecting shorter rivers between the lakes. The rivers that we fish in the western half of Bristol Bay produce about 75 percent of the King Salmon, Silver Salmon and Chum Salmon caught in the entire Bristol Bay drainage.

FishWith our unique variety of water to fish, both spin and fly fishermen will find our waters challenging for the advanced anglers yet accommodating for novices. Above all, our fishermen catch fish — lots of fish — and enjoy the sport of doing so.

Catch and Release

In the spirit and necessity of conservation, we adhere to strict catch and release policies with our fresh water species of fish. We do allow and promote our clients to keep a few salmon. We will be happy to fillet, wrap, package and freeze your salmon for you to take home.